Indu’s journey
Indu is a proud mix of East and West, she was born in India and has lived in California for a long time. If you met her in person you’d know she is a good listener, a life coach and can open doors to an empowered life, improved health and a sense of calm control. The story below will tell you that she didn’t arrive here overnight. Plenty of struggles, twists and turns landed her in this present state where 'Aging is Golden.' Using a unique combination of BodyTalk Energy Medicine and mindfulness connected the dots for her. In daily life, she loves to hike, read and travel. Friends know they can call her for all kinds of questions including travel advice.
You can Break Free and Empower yourself while meeting a friend!
Career changes
Indu faced many challenges and decisions in her education and career. She did a BS in medical science with the objective of being a doctor. Her wish was not fulfilled and she would understand the reason later in life. She then did an MS in English Literature and became a professor for a short time! After coming to California, she made another turn and got an MS in Engineering because she was fully immersed in the glitz of Silicon Valley. She enjoyed a rewarding and fulfilling engineering career while raising twins. I am fully aware of stresses in the Valley, the toll it takes and how you can survive and thrive here!
I have a special soft corner for women professionals and entrepreneurs.
Health issues and solutions
Our symptoms are the 'tip of the iceberg.'
Just like many stressed out people, she began having back problems. She then had a long history of Carpal Tunnel syndrome and the work became a challenge. Even a surgery could not provide long term relief. Next was a sudden appearance of panic attacks linked to flying, that really started impairing her life and work. There was not a quick and elegant solution to these problems. She was diagnosed with Glaucoma and needed regular care including surgeries. Surgery did prevent the future damage but her brain had a hard time with vision change from surgeries. In short, Indu was faced with the use and the limitations of western medicine.
She had this nagging feeling that she needed to search for a healing modality, not a quick fix. The last straw that literally 'broke' her back was a long bout of sciatica pain. This severe pain became a journey of patience and discovery inward. It was a source of courage and a wake up call into something bigger! She was convinced that she could fix this pain as long as she trusted herself because the alternative was another surgery. It took her more than 6 months to have a breakthrough into the cause of her pain. Indu finally figured out the events, the emotional holding and the cause of her pain! In other words, she had discovered BodyTalk in her own body.
If you want to uncover the whole story, get clarity of direction and stand in your power, find out how you can move forward in Indu's company and create your own healing and success story!!
Proud to say that my story is now the international best selling book: 'Break free to stand in your power,"
Finding BodyTalk

She was introduced to BodyTalk by a visitor from London. As she listened to her and knew that she had arrived at her answer for a healing modality. Indu received a session from a local practitioner and moved forward in becoming a practitioner. She has taken all the core courses of BodyTalk and has been a practitioner for 10 years. She continued to be amazed how expansive it is and how many wonderful people she has met around the world who love to practice and experience it.
Testimonial: "I am always amazed at what Indu can discern is happening in my body from what she picks up from my mind. It’s a bit spooky, actually, but in a good way. And both my mind and body thank her. "Dianne M. from California
BodyTalk expansion in India
3 years ago, Indu decided that it was payback time, so she decided to expand BodyTalk reach in India. She discovered that there was only one practitioner for the last 20 years, Dr. Suresh Dagur! Her intention connected her with a practitioner from South Africa, Homeira G. Franke. HomeThey’ve done public talks to raise awareness, taught many classes and trained new practitioners. Now there are a total of 7 practitioners in India (3 are physicians). 1 practitioner is in Dubai while the matrix is growing there as well! The credit goes to Mr Ashwani Khurana and KarmaLakelands for supporting BodyTalk in India
Testimonial:"I was introduced to BodyTalk by a friend of mine who could see that I was in dire need of help. I was having a lot of health issues and was almost unable to function normally. I was lucky enough to be introduced to Indu Aggarwal who slowly but surely helped me to recover from my physical and mental health problems. With my regular sessions of BodyTalk gradually I was able to deal with my panic attacks as well and am more or less back to normal. I would highly recommend BodyTalk as a holistic approach to health issues with no side effects at all. Thank you Indu for your help and patience." S.V. India
Mindfulness in the engineering world
As Indu got more invested in BodyTalk, she felt that she would benefit from her own meditation practice. Mindfulness classes were offered at her work and she decided to get teachers' training and started teaching classes at her work. She found this aspect of her career very rewarding. Indu started her own business in 2017 teaching mindfulness, giving BodyTalk sessions and connecting to the world of conscious leaders
If you ready to have fun, synchronize your bodymind and flow easy with life! You can also get more satisfaction from work or change your passion into a profession!!!
Book a free session to find out how you overcome obstacles and shine in your life?